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C.7 Excentrements
C.7 Excentrements La plupart des logiciels aux éléments finis proposent des options permettant d...
C.6 Connexions – liaisons – assemblage
C.6 Connexions – liaisons – assemblage C.6.1 Relâchement des barres / ressorts / degrés de liber...
C.5 Conditions aux limites
C.5 Conditions aux limites C.5.1 Cas général Les conditions aux limites sont déterminées par le...
C.4 Modélisation des éléments non structuraux ou des équipements
C.4 Modélisation des éléments non structuraux ou des équipements Les éléments non structuraux et...
C.3 EF et maillage
C.3 EF et maillage C.3.1 Types d’éléments finis Avant toute chose, l'utilisateur d'un program...
C.2 Modélisation des éléments principaux
C.2 Modélisation des éléments principaux C.2.1 Construction de la géométrie La première étape...
A1. General formulation for linear elastic calculations
A1. A general formulation for linear elastic calculations The two main formulations for linear c...
Finite Element (FE) calculations – a paradigm shift
Finite Element (FE) calculations – a paradigm shift It is no exaggeration to say that FE calcula...
Example D - Simple example: modeling of a Br wheel
Example D - Simple example: modeling of a Br wheel The purpose of this example is to show the di...
Leave us a comment for us to improve the website
Leave us a comment for us to improve the website It could be: a disagreement, a propos...
This part contains modeling examples for simple and more complex objects. They are presented as a...
F. How to properly present the finite element calculation note?
F. How to properly present the finite element calculation note? This paragraph provides the mini...
E2. Model validation using self-checking
E2. Model validation using self-checking Before exploiting the model results, several verificati...
D6. Understanding and analyzing the peaks (case study about steel assembly)
D6. Understanding and analyzing the peaks (case study about steel assembly) The results of a cal...
D3. Data processing
D3. Data processing D.3.1 Stresses/Deformations or Internal forces It is important to define wh...
D2. Load combinations
D2. Load combinations D.2.1 Combinations and envelopes Recall that using a load combination co...
D1. General information on numerical calculations
D1. General information on numerical calculations D.1.1 Calculation time Computation time (in t...
C15. More about phased calculations
C15. More about phased calculations The reader may also refer to Part 1 - D.3 Construction Phase...
C12. More about solid elements
C12. More about solid elements The principles stated for 2D modeling remain applicable in 3D, in...
C11. Modeling the loading
C11. Modeling the loading As explained in chapter E, it is important to always verify for each l...